Post partum Archives | Paige Waters
Post partum

Hydration is so important for women trying to conceive, women experiencing morning sickness and vomiting, pregnant women, women in labour and of course post natal. It’s super important while breastfeeding. And sometimes water just doesn’t cut it! I didn’t realise how many women are drinking those sugar filled blue and purple electrolyte drinks

In Chinese medicine, the thyroid doesn’t exist. Well not as an organ, more as a series of functions. Very important functions. Especially for fertility (and infertility), pregnancy, post partum and ongoing hormone regulation. This can, however make treating the thyroid a little tricky. It often means treating symptoms as they pop up, instead of holistical

As women, we often don’t eat enough good quality protein. Your body needs proteins and healthy fats to ovulate, make progesterone, stabilise blood sugars, help feel full and reduce snacking. This fermented brown rice protein powder has so many great ingredients including…supergreens, wheat grass, spirulina, sweet potato, chlorella as well as an orga