Male Factor Archives | Paige Waters
Male Factor

At the end of July, I attended a two day workshop presented by an Austrian Medical Doctor and Chinese Medicine Practitioner who specialises and treats only male infertility, Dr Olivia Pojer.  She was one of the best presenters I have had the privelege to learn from. Her passion and her drive to improve the world’s […]

When it comes to fertility, the focus often lands on women, but men play an equally crucial role. The quality of a man’s sperm significantly impacts the chances of conception and the health of a pregnancy. Fortunately, making positive changes to your diet can enhance sperm health and boost fertility. Focusing on a balanced diet […]

Fats in Chinese medicine support the nourishment of your ‘Yin’. Yin is the most nourishing, feminine aspect of your body’s energy. Strong Yin is like a tree with a big, wide trunk. Very little can affect/impact/move/hurt a strong, grounded tree compared to a malnourished twig. When I’m treating women trying to fall pregnant, the most [&h

As women, we often don’t eat enough good quality protein. Your body needs proteins and healthy fats to ovulate, make progesterone, stabilise blood sugars, help feel full and reduce snacking. This fermented brown rice protein powder has so many great ingredients including…supergreens, wheat grass, spirulina, sweet potato, chlorella as well as an orga