Easing a Tight Neck and Shoulders
UPPER TRAPEZIUS STRETCH To ease a tight neck and shoulders try this Upper Trapezius M.E.T. stretch from our Osteopath, Dr Jacqui Quinn: 1/ Seated in a comfortable chair, sit on your right hand or grip the chair. 2/ Take your left ear toward your left shoulder as far as comfortable & breathe deeply for 15 […]
Moxibustion (Moxa) for Breech Baby
How to use moxa sticks to improve a breech baby’s position. Optimising baby’s position in the pelvis is really supportive for avoiding delayed labour and experiencing a more relaxed, less painful birth, as well as a more comfortable cesarean section. I do find the outcomes are even better when combined with a course of acupuncture. […]
Vaginal Microbiome and Fertility
Are you worried that your vaginal health might be impacting your fertility orpregnancy? The vaginal microbiome refers to the collection of microorganisms, includingbacteria, fungi and viruses that naturally inhabit the vaginal environment. Thesemicrobial inhabitants play a crucial role in maintaining your intimate health.New understandings in this area suggest
Sick Kids – Winter Wellness Plan
This time of year is tough. Lots of viruses are going around daycare centres and schools. It can feel relentless especially as it takes a month to move through the whole family. The aim of advice is not to stop the viruses from coming – impossible task. But to support the body to move the […]
Benefits of Fertility Massage
Fertility or Womb Hara massage is an external, non invasive massage style designed to release tension, move stagnated blood, energy and fluid in the abdomen, release tight muscles, improve organ placement and support health of your ovaries and uterus. Jody’s unique massage style is based on ancient Chinese Chi New Tsang abdominal massage, effleurage and [
Castor Oil Packs and Women’s Health
For years Ayurvedic medicine and Chinese medicine has used castor oil to support women’s health. The main constituent of castor oil is ricinoleic acid, an omega-9 which has been found to improve local blood flow and provide anti-inflammatory pain relief. From a TCM understanding, castor oil encourages blood movement, moves body fluids and is an […]
New Product: Franjos Motherhood Hydration Powder
Hydration is so important for women trying to conceive, women experiencing morning sickness and vomiting, pregnant women, women in labour and of course post natal. It’s super important while breastfeeding. And sometimes water just doesn’t cut it! I didn’t realise how many women are drinking those sugar filled blue and purple electrolyte drinks
New Practitioner – Jody Smith
Meet Jody… “Hi, I’m Jody. I am honoured that my clients, past, present and future, choose my services through and beyond the motherhood journey. Supporting Women’s Wellbeing is close to my heart and a way I can help women as they go through the rites of passage of life. Western culture and society has almost […]
New Treatment: Fertility Flow Session
Introducing a new treatment at Paige Waters Acupuncture. Optimal health really is about good blood flow. Fertility, improved egg health, improved sperm health, improved libido, improved immunity has all been shown with improved blood flow. I’ve put together some information for you below. Please email hello@paigewatersacupuncture.com.au if you have any qu
Acupuncture for Labour Induction
Labour induction is the process of starting labour artificially, usually medically. Acupuncture doesn’t do this. Acupuncture can’t do anything artificial. However, acupuncture can be used to optimise the body’s natural ability to start labour and continue labour. I prefer to call it labour preparation….and like most things when looked at holistic