Acupuncture and Morning Sickness
I think I want to universally change the name to ‘pregnancy sickness’ as most women will tell you it very rarely only exists in the morning. For every woman you find who had a great experience with acupuncture for pregnancy sickness, you’ll find just as many women found it made no difference. This is because […]
Acupuncture and Ovulation
In Chinese medicine, ovulation requires the right amount of nutrients and blood (Yin) as well as warmth and a smooth flow of Qi to ‘drop’ and move the egg down the Fallopian tube (Yang). I often describe it to women like ripening a lemon (no idea why a lemon, pick any fruit that works for […]
Acupuncture During Your Menstrual Cycle
The menstrual cycle has 4 phases, in a 28 day cycle, they are: Days 1-4 – Period Days 1 – 14 – Follicular phase Day 14 – Ovulation Days 14-28 – Luteal Phase In a perfect world, this is how people with uteruses would all menstruate. But of course this isn’t the case. So many […]
Reasons to Temperature Chart for Fertility
Temperature charting is just one method in fertility awareness. In Chinese medicine, it’s incredibly important for me to be able to diagnose and track progress. Here are all the reasons I find it helpful to temperature chart for fertility Help identify your fertile window Indicate areas where more testing needs to occur Identify causes of […]
Case Study
Kylie Kylie – 30 year old female, vegan. Four months ago moved up from Melbourne and has been trying to conceive with her husband for the last three months with no luck. She has a previous history of severe PMS symptoms. Severe depression and anxiety which has been managed with other health care providers. She […]
McDonald’s Chips and Embryo Transfer Day
What is with the IVF myth of eating McDonald’s French fries immediately after your embryo transfer? This seems to be a long standing tradition amongst women going through IVF. The reason it may possibly have some impact is because the chips are high in salt. Salt helps reduce water retention and some symptoms associated with […]
Laughing Post Embryo Transfer Increases Chance of Pregnancy
The thing I love most about this study is that it’s called “The Effect of Medical Clowning on Pregnancy Rates…” If you’re wondering what medical clowning is, it’s exactly as it sounds. Medical clowns are being used in healthcare settings with the idea that humour can be used to alleviate stress, address loneliness, and decrease […]
Case Study
Ambre Ambre – A 35 year old single female going through IVF for her first pregnancy. Possible PCOS – although not officially diagnosed (mentioned at an ultrasound by her fertility specialist), a history of period loss for 12 months at 25 years old. Intermittent OCP use from 16 years old until 30 years old. Otherwise […]